on monday this week i bought my ticket to a album release concert of "gisbert zu knyphausen" and i was both happy and sad to read that on his main tour beginning after that, he will be assisted by a songwriter named "moritz krämer", whom i already posted in this blog, too. happy because it would be great to see them both, unhappy because i won't.. So i went over to krämer's myspace-page to listen to his music and found the video that i posted here with the song "der spatz". i remembered that this was recorded as part of a regular show in berlin called "tv noir" and that it would be time to see who else may have played there since my last visit.. here is (among other also really great music, absolutely go to their website and check for yourself) what i found:
tja, ich sitze hier so den ganzen tag und lerne.. und damit das leichter von der hand geht (und mit lernen meine ich ein diesem fall rechnen) höre ich dabei musik. genauer gesagt höre ich dabei das deluxe web radio (oder auch deluxe lounge web radio, bin mir da nicht so sicher..), wo gerade dieses wunderbare lied lief, welches mir erst zu mitpfeifdrang und dann zu einem lächeln verholfen hat. unmöglich kann ich euch dieses wunderbare gefühl vorenthalten :) man muss ja sagen, das macht er gut, der herr williams!
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